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New Event: “Warburg, the Sacred and its Critiques” 

We are pleased to announce that two of our Bilderfahrzeuge colleagues are presenting their research in Leipzig next week. Their presentations are part of a panel on Aby Warburg at the Forum for Italian Art (Forum Kunstgeschichte Italiens) on the 16 March 2023 at the University of Leipzig, organised by Prof. Frank Zöllner.

New Exhibition: “Drawing on Arabian Nights”

An exhibition of Orientalist works from The Courtauld’s Prints and Drawings collection selected and curated by Emily Christensen (Courtauld) and our Bilderfahrzeuge colleague Ambra D’Antone at The Courtauld Gallery Project Space, London,  22 February – 3 June 2023.

Memory in the artistic practice of Mariana Castillo Deball

For the occasion of the Mobile Memories conference, a detail of an artwork by Berlin-based Mexican artist Mariana Castillo Deball, (b. 1975), from her exhibition Uncomfortable Objects (dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel, 2012), featured as a central image of this academic event. This artwork takes us on a journey to the past, as Castillo Deball assembles pieces of naturalia and archaeological heritage, and pulls them to the rugged and relief-like surface of the picture plane. She integrates and juxtaposes different objects of material culture: rocks of different colours and the replicas of clay artifacts stemming from different moments of the pre-Columbian era and sites of Mexico.

Portrait-Images of Maharajas of Marwar in Garden Landscapes

A row of trees, colourful and seasonal flowers, and a flock of ducks gliding by on a lake beyond the trees can be said to function as agents of emotion enhancing the figure of the Maharaja of Marwar seated on a terrace.
How do illustrations with historic Maharajas shown in luxurious, green landscapes express emotions, and where do these lie? Does their expression in the form of bountiful nature visualised in the image produce “felt” emotions in the viewer?

Annual Bilderfahrzeuge Conference 2023: “Disincarnate: Art Histories of Nationhood Past, Present, and Future” 

Thursday 9th & Friday 10th March 2023
Woburn Suite, Senate House, University of London

A programme will be published shortly. Please register in advance via the Warburg Institute website.

Organised by the members of the sub group Art & Nationhood, Andreas Beyer (Basel), Alexandra Marraccini (London), C. Oliver O’Donnell (London) and Judith Rottenburg (Berlin).

New Event: Amerindian Art Histories and Archaeologies: A KHI – UCL Symposium on Material Transformations in the Indigenous Americas

Please see below for details of a new Symposium, co-organised by our Bilderfahrzeuge colleague Sanja Savkic Sebek.

01 – 22 February 2023

In the framework of Department Gerhard Wolf and the “4A Laboratory: Art Histories, Archaeologies, Anthropologies, Aesthetics” (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut), in collaboration with UCL Institute of Archaeology.
Organized by Sanja Savkic Sebek (KHI in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Bat-ami Artzi (CSoC, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; former 4A_Lab Fellow) & Elizabeth Baquedano (UCL Institute of Archaeology)

(Photo)graphic ethos formula: Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne Panel 72

During  the course of the exhibition “Bilderatlas Mnemosyne – Das Original” at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin questions, arose not only about the content, but also about the mediality and materiality of the atlas. The problematic concept of the original threatens to create a new cult of genius around Aby Warburg. But perhaps, considering that tattoos of his face are already traveling across the world, perhaps this has already happened. Beyond that, however, the term “original” is in danger of developing a new aura, that now even encompasses the selected reproductions of the master. One can only imagine what Walter Benjamin would say.

News: “Language and Chinese Art History”

We are pleased to congratulate Mingyuan Hu, whose article “Language and Chinese Art History” has won the 2022 Art Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ) prize for the best scholarly article in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art. Read the judges’ comments in full on the website of the AAANZ